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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Portuguese Kale Soup

I was in the mood for healthy and hearty when I stopped in to see what Lisa at Champaign Taste has been up to. She had just made a kale soup that looked delicious, so I decided to give it a try. I'm kind of a newbie when it comes to kale. I've eaten it a few times before but never prepared it at home. But because I'm always trying to improve our diet nutritionally, my husband has this silly running joke where, when he sees spinach or chard on his plate, he always calls it kale. "What is this you're making me eat? Kale?" (because I'm such a mean wife, you see) Well, this time the joke was on him because I really did serve him kale. Ha! All that aside, the kale holds up well in soup, better than spinach, especially after a day or two. With the greens, some potatoes and sausage, this is a substantial meal in a delicious broth. I used Amy's smoked andouille chicken sausage for this. It is a little more figure-friendly than pork sausage and it packs a punch in flavor. I also went with a reader's comment and used chickpeas instead of kidney beans. You can visit Champaign Taste (link above) for the recipe. Thanks Lisa!


Proud Italian Cook said...

your soup looks delicious( I've never cooked with kale either) I normally like swiss chard, I must try kale! p. s. I'm fom the Burbs!

Toni said...

Thanks. And I took a look at your blog. Wow, it is great. There's so many good dishes. I'll definitely be back for more.

Lisa said...

Hey! You made the soup! It looks great. And that sausage you mentioned, I must try to find it.

That's what you're making your husband eat? Kale? :)

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